
XL7, XL8, XL9, XL10, XL11
Win, Mac, OSX UB


The reduction can be controlled by the real time preview exactly.

(Quicktime 2MB)


The SimpleMakerPro is the only tool for Cinema, with which you can reduce objects with textures, UV maps, point and polygon selections and vertex maps.


The example on the left hand shows a texture for the lips. This texture was limited to the polygon selection. The reduction of the skin and of the lips is clearly visible, but at the same time, the border between lips and skin is preserved in its original form.

Of course the UVW-tags are also adapted to the new object, as shown in the picture on the right.


© TZ
INPETHO® MedienProduktion GmbH - Parzellenstrasse 27/28 - D 03050 Cottbus - Deutschland
Maxon Cinema 4D XL CE Plugin Cinemax4D