
XL7, XL8, XL9, XL10, XL11
Win, Mac, OSX UB


The SimpleMakerPro is the ultimative tool around polygon reduction and normal mapping. It is the consistent advancement of the legendary SimpleMaker. It consists of several modules and is meant for professionals and game developers, who make high demands at reduction quality.

SimpleMakerPro XL7, XL8, XL9, XL10
Win, Mac, OSX UB

- Realtime preview
- Converts UV maps, point and polygon selections and vertex maps
- more reduction methods
- better mesh quality

Finger XL7, XL8, XL9, XL10
Win, Mac, OSX UB
- Local reduction with the mouse
- Ideally for the fine work
Mr.Pepper XL8, XL9, XL10
Win, Mac, OSX UB
- Pimp my low poly! It looks then as my high poly object.
- GI simulation
- Special for the game development and realtime rendering

© TZ
INPETHO® MedienProduktion GmbH - Parzellenstrasse 27/28 - D 03050 Cottbus - Deutschland
Maxon Cinema 4D XL CE Plugin Cinemax4D